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picture1_Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 77595 | Dkunzes Angmo

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File: Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 77595 | Dkunzes Angmo
introduction plants can be propagated by sexual or asexual means clonal propagation refers to the process of asexual reproduction by multiplication of genetically identical copies of individual plants where the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction plants can be propagated by sexual or asexual means clonal propagation refers to the process of reproduction multiplication genetically identical copies individual where term clone is used represent a plant population derived from single invitro through tissue culture referred as micropropagation practice rapidly multiplying stock material produce large number progeny using modern methods stages stage initial step in involves selection and growth for about months under controlled conditions i initiation establishment suitable medium commonly explants are organs shoot tips axillary bud explant surface sterilized before proceed ii activity occurs defined shoots rapid embryo formation iii transfer development sometimes directly planted soil develop roots rooting prefered while simultaneously handling speices iv plantlets this done transferring laboratory green house...

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