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picture1_Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 66861 | 1 Tissue Culture Intro Adv History

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File: Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 66861 | 1 Tissue Culture Intro Adv History
introduction tissueculture plant animal tissue culture tissue definition culture plant tissue culture is in vitro cultivation of plant cell or tissue under aseptic and controlled environment conditions in liquid or ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction tissueculture plant animal tissue culture definition is in vitro cultivation of cell or under aseptic and controlled environment conditions liquid on semisolid well defined nutrient medium for the production primary secondary metabolites to regenerate other words it an experimental technique through which a mass cells callus produced from explant this process can be utilized directly palntlets extract manipulate some refers normally forms multicellular when grown agar tisse undifferentiated convinient starting maintaining lines as studies pertaining organogensis meristem organs primarily devoted solve two basic problems keep free microbes ensure desired development by providing suitable media environmental condition advantages availability raw material plants are difficult cultivate also not available abundance considered better source regular uniform supply medicinal industry phytopharmaceuticals fluctuation supplies quality method crude drugs variable due changes climate...

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