File: Production Pdf 152035 | Tissue Culture Notes
dr nisha sharma associate professor subject teacher pharmacognosy phytochemistry i b pharm iv sem unit iii plant tissue culture syllabus historical development of plant tissue culture types of cultures nutritional ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Dr nisha sharma associate professor subject teacher pharmacognosy phytochemistry i b pharm iv sem unit iii plant tissue culture syllabus historical development of types cultures nutritional requirements growth and their maintenance applications in edible vaccines definition is vitro cultivation cell or under aseptic controlled environment conditions liquid on semisolid well defined nutrient medium for the production primary secondary metabolites to regenerate other words it an experimental technique through which a mass cells callus produced from explants this process can be utilized directly palntlets extract manipulate some refers normally forms multicellular when grown agar undifferentiated convinient starting maintaining lines as studies pertaining organogensis meristem fields agronomical rapid multiplication selected plants by multiple identical original done new obtained different more efficient according certain criteria high yielding herbicide drought insect resistant salt crop...