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picture1_Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 77212 | Plntbiotech20101

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File: Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 77212 | Plntbiotech20101
plant tissue culture the culture and maintenance of plant cells and the culture and maintenance of plant cells and organs organs the culture of plant seeds organs tissues cells or ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Plant tissue culture the and maintenance of cells organs seeds tissues or protoplasts on nutrient media under sterile conditions growth development axenic in vitro aseptic for any purpose including genetic transformation other breeding objectives secondary product production pathogen elimination asexual micropropagation sexual propagation important factors minerals carbon source hormones environmental light temperature photoperiod sterility explant usually younger less differentiated better different species show differences amenability to many cases genotypes within a will have variable responses response somatic embryogenesis has been transferred between melon cultivars through hybridization basis two affect differentiation auxin stimulates root cytokinin shoot generally ratio these can determine callus hormone name function auxins indole acetic acid adventitous formation high concen butyric adventitious low potassium salt induction embryos naphthaleneacetic dichlorophenoxyacetic cel...

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