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picture1_Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 67101 | 6 2019 10 12!09 16 04 Am

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File: Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 67101 | 6 2019 10 12!09 16 04 Am
1 cultivation of viruses virus cultivation is also referred to as propagation or growth to cultivate virus it is necessary to supply the virus with appropriate cells in which it ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cultivation of viruses virus is also referred to as propagation or growth cultivate it necessary supply the with appropriate cells in which can replicate phages are supplied bacterial cultures plant cultivated special plants protoplasts from cell wall was removed while animal may be whole organisms such mice egg containing chick embryos insect larvae however grown cultured tissue and culture consists tissues obtained humans animals nutrients aseptic conditions free bacteria fungi below kinds flasks plates dishes isolation many isolated a result their ability form discrete visible zones plaques layers host where areas killed altered by infection each plaque formed when spreads radially an infected surrounding monolayers if overlaid agarose gel maintain progeny zone lawns generally assumed that single virion this case then all produced should clone other words genetically identical isolate distinct isolates strain there possibility might derived two more virions so increase probability p...

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