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picture1_Plant Tissue Culture Pdf 87317 | K Mikaelsen 107

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File: Plant Tissue Culture Pdf 87317 | K Mikaelsen 107

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Problems in using induced mutations vegetatively propagated plants k mikaelsen abstrak abstract conventional breeding techniques are difficult to apply most vegetativdy propaga ted plant species the mutation is therefore very important these but practical results have been obtain due recovering mutated cells importance of various discussed and advantage develop ing tissue culture described masalah dalam penggunaan mutasi buatan pada tanaman yang dibiak secara vegetatif teknik pemuliaan konvensional umumnya sukar diterapkan spesies dibiaksecara oleh karena itu sangat penting bagi demikian tetapi mutan dapat digunakan praktek diperoleh kembalinya sd termutasi ke bentuk normalnya makalah ini dibahas keunggulan berbagai clankeuntungan pengembangan kultur jaringan introduction a large number asexually or such as many root tuber crops sugarcane fruits other three shrubs ornamentals cross often limited by specific vpp rather long vegetative phase before going into sexual reproduction addition...

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