File: Plant Tissue Culture Pdf 87040 | 93938025012
tropical and subtropical agroecosystems e issn 1870 0462 ccastro uady mx universidad autonoma de yucatan mexico chandrasekhara reddy m bramhachari p v rama murthy k sri optimized plant tissue culture ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Tropical and subtropical agroecosystems e issn ccastro uady mx universidad autonoma de yucatan mexico chandrasekhara reddy m bramhachari p v rama murthy k sri optimized plant tissue culture protocol for in vitro morphogenesis of an endangered medicinal herb ceropegia ensifolia bedd vol num enero abril pp merida available http www redalyc org articulo oa id how to cite complete issue scientific information system more about this article network journals from latin america the caribbean spain portugal journal s homepage non profit academic project developed under open access initiative department biotechnology montessori mahila kalasala vijayawada andhra pradesh india krishna university machilipatnam corresponding author summary resumen present study effect different concentrations se estudio diferentes concentraciones sucrose y thidiazuron tdz on en la morfogenesis c was investigated desarrollo un protocolo rapido rapid micropropagation micropropagacion a partir explantes derived nodal ...