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picture1_Poka Yoke Pdf 86749 | Pokeyoke

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File: Poka Yoke Pdf 86749 | Pokeyoke
what you need to know about mistake proofing poka yoke the goal of mistake proofing or poka yoke is simple to eliminate mistakes in order to eliminate mistakes we need ...

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...What you need to know about mistake proofing poka yoke the goal of or is simple eliminate mistakes in order we modify processes so that it impossible make them first place with solutions many repetitive tasks depend upon memory worker are built into process itself frees time and minds workforce pursue more creative value adding activities also involves a change mindset organization organizations must establish promotes belief unacceptable allow for even small number product service defects companies have six sigma initiative objective translates less than per million opportunities dpmos short focused on eliminating dpmo significantly reduced everyday life approaches forced control devices shutdown warning sensory alert integrating problem solving practical feasible cost effective how keep from being overridden robust your solution limit switches proximity sensors laser displacement visions systems counters timers photoelectric ultrasonic families measurement instrumentation specialty g...

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