File: Poka Yoke Pdf 86266 | Poka Yoke Kit Brochure
specnor tecnic serving the electronics manufacturing industry specnor poka yoke kit wave soldering recipe control system the specnor poka yoke kit is a wave soldering recipe control system that provides ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Specnor tecnic serving the electronics manufacturing industry poka yoke kit wave soldering recipe control system is a that provides tracking and security to production line it uses barcode reader scan pcba on conveyor triggers chain of action in order have correct for incoming board this comes as an option new ultima machines can be implemented existing ones only hand scanner stopper machine are shown references they supplied by customer not included features stops holds if does belong ready auto loads good until loaded s speed width adjustment preheater temperature height flux parameters includes software well www com flow chart create reads manually loading belongs set stopped engages wrong solder or put aside contact us operator intl corp j armand bombardier soldered exists st hubert quebec canada jz tel fax sales all specifications subject change without notice international...