american journal of engineering research ajer 2016 american journal of engineering research ajer e issn 2320 0847 p issn 2320 0936 volume 5 issue 9 pp 15 18 www ajer ...
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...American journal of engineering research ajer e issn p volume issue pp www org paper open access using poka yoke for the development smes mr sujay biswas dr abhijit chakraborty lecturer in charge dept mechanical technique polytechnic institute west bengal india principal abstract this represents utilization concept was first coined by japanese people to avoid unintentional mistake manufacturing enterprises aim practical examples is eliminate or minimize human error process and management as a result mental physical imperfections it total quality tool which related restricting errors at source itself producer can achieve expected level goal through elimination rejected products keywords i introduction term has been derived from words that one make prove prevent developed shigeo shingo s two basic function like control warning main frame so mistakes are impossible easily be detected corrected also reduce processes system due every want higher profit reach perfection product essential sma...