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picture1_Technology Pdf 87141 | 1129673523

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File: Technology Pdf 87141 | 1129673523
the international journal of business management and technology volume 2 issue 5 september october 2018 issn 2581 3889 research article open access poka yoke solution to human errors in the ...

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...The international journal of business management and technology volume issue september october issn research article open access poka yoke solution to human errors in production process peter malega technical university kosice faculty mechanical engineering institute industrial digital park komenskeho slovak republic tuke sk abstract is a quality assurance technique developed by japanese manufacturing engineer shigeo shingo aim eliminate defects product preventing or correcting mistakes as early possible has been used most frequently environments are always key concerns any industry success organization depends on especially right produced keywords error method i introduction concept matsushita named prevent from occurring line pronounced poh kahyoh kay comes two words yokeru which means avoid inadvertent thus more less translates avoiding main objective achieve zero fact it just one many components shingos control system goal defective products ii general increasing emphasis performan...

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