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picture1_Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 77592 | Introduction To Plant Cell Culture Lec1

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File: Plant Tissue Culture Slideshare 77592 | Introduction To Plant Cell Culture Lec1
objectives of plant tissue culture if by seed cant obtain a uniform planting material due to seed contains pool of genes mass propagation of uniform planting material phenotipycally and genotypically ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives of plant tissue culture if by seed cant obtain a uniform planting material due to contains pool genes mass propagation phenotipycally and genotypically the same lot plants produces tissues are taken from any parts such as leaves roots stems apical bud do not contain disease resistant viral or bacterial infection yet therefore differ embryo cultured this part was were cross between cultures dr can unfavorable form will be obtained aborted drop eventually died we harvest before rescue it matures into them using tc technique some aren t clean safe transfer germplasm across pathogen s diseases that international borders affecting other countries industries no genetic transformation without facilitate introduce gene totipotency property cells ability somatic certain undergo embryogenesis plantlet regeneration production development embryoids derived embryos gamete fusion molecular processes in later stages may identical e g temporal spatial expression patterns proteins zygotic eq...

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