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picture1_Bright Field Microscopy Slideshare 77193 | L6 140 M

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File: Bright Field Microscopy Slideshare 77193 | L6 140 M
microscopes microscopes and microbiology linking advance the microscope is the microbiologist s most basic tool microscopes use lenses to magnify object s images there are two types of microscopes light ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Microscopes and microbiology linking advance the microscope is microbiologist s most basic tool use lenses to magnify object images there are two types of light electron used examine cells at relatively low magnifications lock cell structure very high magnification some principles microscopy o compound uses visible illuminate many different bright field phase contrast dark fluorescence specimens visualized because differences in density between specimen surroundings arise absorb or scatter varying degrees otwo sets form image objective lens ocular total maximum not limiting factor ability seeing small things but also we need a good resolution which distinguish adjacent objects can be increased with out limit cannot it function physical properties limits about m greater than...

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