afm invented by binning and co workers in 1986 belongs to the scanning probe microscopy family binning et al physics review letters 1986 afm invented by binning and co workers ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Afm invented by binning and co workers in belongs to the scanning probe microscopy family et al physics review letters atomic force pfm piezoresponse contact pstm photon tunneling non ptms photothermal microspectroscopy dynamic scm capacitance tapping secm electrochemical beem ballistic electron emission sgm gate cfm chemical shpm hall c conductive sicm ion conductance ecstm microscope spsm spin polarized efm electrostatic fluidfm fluidic ssm squid ssrm spreading resistance fmm modulation sthm thermal fospm feature oriented stm kpfm kelvin stp potentiometry mfm magnetic svm voltage mrfm resonance sxstm synchrotron x ray nsom near field optical or snom sset single transistor wikipedia principle physical that raster scans a specimen key elements detector feedback piezo actuators http ssd phys strath ac uk index php tunnelling luminescence operate using small tip scan very closely across surface detecting forces present between scale resolution possible can be operated air liquid slow all...