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picture1_Research Paper On Pricing Strategy Pdf 193419 | 658 Item Download 2023-02-06 05-15-03

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File: Research Paper On Pricing Strategy Pdf 193419 | 658 Item Download 2023-02-06 05-15-03
proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and operations management sao paulo brazil april 5 8 2021 retail pricing strategy for supply chains literature review and research opportunity niniet ...

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...Proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and operations management sao paulo brazil april retail pricing strategy for supply chains literature review research opportunity niniet indah arvitrida niken anggraini savitri rifki jalu pramudita department systems institut teknologi sepuluh nopember surabaya indonesia ie its ac id abstract is a method retailers to compete in market success implementation depends several factors such as customer behavior competition retailer formats suppliers existence also important consider assessing effectiveness mainly when analyzed from chain perspective this paper provides focused three that are prominent they price promotion format preference highlighted here because approach frequently applied than other strategies known result study informs existing about at level confirms there still limited work which implements point view introduction has been considered an effective way achieve many kardes et al determine good should u...

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