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picture1_Antinutrients Pdf 134882 | I8201 Item Download 2023-01-04 20-28-14

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File: Antinutrients Pdf 134882 | I8201 Item Download 2023-01-04 20-28-14
original article antinutrients and heavy metals in new nigerian musa hybrid peels with emphasis on utilization in livestock production 1 1 2 2 1 t adebayo adeniji i samuel barimalaa ...

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...Original article antinutrients and heavy metals in new nigerian musa hybrid peels with emphasis on utilization livestock production t adebayo adeniji i samuel barimalaa a tenkouano l oladimeji sanni alexander d hart department of food science technology rivers state university abstract introduction comparative study the pmb five improved varieties plantain banana hybrids was investigated our aim to provide port harcourt nigeria information that may circumvent huge losses during fruit processing tiradeniji yahoo com by converting waste into wealth health materials methods four developed at iita named pita one cooking international institute bita an african landrace agbagba were antinutrient tropical agriculture metal contents dried from different cultivars determined data oyo road ibadan statistically analyzed results discussion differed significantly other saponin tannin oxalate significant difference observed between phytate compared cyanogenic glucosides found values obtained both ar...

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