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...Food science and quality management www iiste org issn paper online vol antinutrient profile of three mushroom varieties consumed in amaifeke orlu imo state oly alawuba n obiakor okeke p department nutrition dietetics faculty health university owerri nigeria email enkayoly yahoo com ngoziobiakor abstract background the importance eliminating or minimizing antinutrients from foods human consume cannot be overemphasized this study evaluated were determined species include white button agaricus bisporus oyster pleurotus ostreatus crimini methods harvested dried after which they taken to laboratory for chemical analysis standard assay used analyze composition result six anti nutrients hydrogen cyanide saponin phytate oxalate trypsin inhibitor haemogglutinin analysed their values ranged mg g ti h respectively conclusion based on it is important that these mushrooms properly processed so them will not rendered inaccessible by body due presence keywords introduction are natural synthetic comp...