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picture1_Special Place Guided Imagery

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File: Special Place Guided Imagery
special place guided imagery this guided imagery helps you visualize and visit your own personal special place in your mind s eye as you walk through this guided imagery you ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Special place guided imagery this helps you visualize and visit your own personal in mind s eye as walk through can experience the calmness security feel then focus on visiting safe returning to those calm feelings whenever it is helpful life find a comfortable position where relax breathe easily start by noticing breathing filling belly when inhale notice empty exhale scan body while continuing allow any tension or discomfort dissolve with next few exhales continue take just happen may be familiar new if see hear something that makes uncomfortable go ahead change image moments what look around are inside out surrounds also re outside water animals sounds now moment how feels warm cool kind of surface sitting lying textures clothes wearing does there tastes smells perhaps smell grass outdoors cooking indoors totally present all senses whatever way for was hidden before catches attention could sound object feeling gift use need relaxed remember do deep breaths think about begin become a...

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