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...Reviewof scanning probe microscopy techniques democritus fragment introduction motivation heatomicforcemicroscope afm playsanimportantpartintheresearchcovered tinthisthesis i investigate local anodic oxidation lao a technology based on the asoneapproach for fabricating antidot patterns studied in chapter its adap tion to materials and at focus of this work is expounded chaptersandalsouseafmmicrographsforevaluationpurposes toapprehendthechal lengesof basedlithographyandcorrectlyinterpretafmimagesathoroughunderstand ing capabilities limitations instrument indispensable collecting background information allows me concentrate subjectmatterlateron ereaderwillhopefullynditaconvenientplacetolookupdetailed those who are intimately familiar with theory application microscopes spms free skip it rst reading although have stressed commonfeaturesofallspmswhereverpossible thefocusisbynecessityontheafm ihave alsotakentheopportunitytoroundotheaccountbybrieycoveringtopicssuchasthenear reviewofscanningp...