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picture1_Shatkarma Pdf 88134 | Hathayogapradipika1

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File: Shatkarma Pdf 88134 | Hathayogapradipika1
hatha yoga pradipika yogi svatmarama sanskrit text with english translatin notes hatha yoga pradipika translated by pancham sinh source of etext http sacredtexts com the hatha yoga pradipika table of ...

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...Hatha yoga pradipika yogi svatmarama sanskrit text with english translatin notes translated by pancham sinh source of etext http sacredtexts com the table contents introduction chapter on asanas swastikaasana gomukhaasana virasana kurmasana kukkutasana uttana kurmaasana dhanurasana matsyaasana pachima tana mayuraasana avaasana siddhasana padmasana simhasana bhadrasana foods injurious to a ii pranayama shatkarma dhauti basti neti trataka nauli kapala bhati gaja karani manonmani different hinds kumbhakas surya bhedana ujjayi sitkari itali bhastrika bhramari murchha...

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