class xii unit 1 introduction to yoga and yogic practices ii 1 1 shatkarma meaning purpose and their significance in yoga sadhna meaning shatkarma are cleansing techniques shuddhi kriyas they ...
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...Class xii unit introduction to yoga and yogic practices ii shatkarma meaning purpose their significance in sadhna are cleansing techniques shuddhi kriyas they prescribed be done set up the body for practises named view of fact that six number short these clean digestion excretory system our mean eyes respiratory stomach related if there is any imbalance systems it leads diseases recommends purification processes get keep equilibrium tridoshas known as shat which given under kaphalabhati frontal lobes lungs trataka blinkless gazing neti nasal dhauti cleaning digestive track nauli abdominal massage basti colon shatkarmas should always learned practiced supervision an experienced teacher maintain balance between tri dosh vata pitta kapha bring chemical functional mind prana stream ida left nostril pingala nadi right from point reviving course through sushumna both nostrils eliminate toxins purify inside healthy contribute strength internal like blood circulation immunity excellent designe...