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...Medical biological laboratories co ltd sakae chome naka ku nagoya japan tel fax e mail info mbl jp www protocol for northern blotting was performed using dig wash and block buffer set sigma aldrich code no more information please contact llc day electrophoresis transfer dilute total rna samples with loading formamide formaldehyde mops glycerol bromophenol blue heat at c min then quench load the in a denaturing agarose gel s conduct v hr rinse ssc put following things order one dried sponge filter paper an upside down membrane two papers sponges soak lower incubate them room temperature overnight see below uv cross link hybridization it on soaked make mj cm funa linker fs funakoshi prewarmed perfecthyb toyobo hyb bag least denature probe mix solution discard condition of reaction depends being used step after twice low stringency sds each high detection to reduce nonspecific binding blocking anti digoxigenin mab m diluted igg mouse pab hrp wipe excess appropriate chemiluminescence reage...