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41 Membership Sites Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 41 txt files containing articles about Membership Sites. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. 01 Membership Sites Today
..... The topics for successful member only websites are as varied today as...short people, tall people, buying websites, unusual business ideas, selling stocks, paint ball, 2nd wives clubs, financial, dating, fitness, marketing and countless mentoring and coaching sites on almost every topic imaginable and probably a few you can’t imagine or wouldn’t want to imagine. It takes some work and certainly the right tools to set up a members-only website but the rewards (monetary as well as personal satisfaction) can be huge. Whatever you are passionately interested in or very adept at can be the topic of a members-only website today. .....


2. 02 Why Start A Membership Site
..... People are willing to pay for online content. In fact, the "Online Publishers Association" said that pay-for content is emerging as a hot revenue model. Business content, personals/match making, and entertainment are the hottest niches. But even smaller niches, like DVD authoring, sports coaching, marketing services, and dieting are producing profits. You can sell subscriptions for online content with your own membership site? Selling online content by way of a password protected website has become big business. Not only is it fast to set up, but the start-up and running costs are minimal. Work from home entrepreneurs and big businesses alike are tapping into this new-found revenue source. .....


3. 03 The Different Types Of Membership Sites
..... There are basically two types of membership sites. There are free sites and there are paid for sites. The two types of membership sites have one thing is common. Their memberships are made up of people who share a common interest or have a common need. You can, of course, buy a domain, set up a website and not charge for memberships but choose who to admit and who not to admit. This is done when the profit is intended to come from sales to members after they join the site. There are free network sites that might be used for your purposes. Two examples of free membership sites are Group sites on MSN and groups on Yahoo. It costs nothing to set these sites up and there is no charge at all for a person to join. There are no paid administrators or moderators. .....


4. 04 Deciding On Your Membership Model
..... The model you decide upon for your membership site is of the utmost importance and the one you choose depends upon your objectives. There are basically two types of membership sites. There are free sites and there are paid for sites. The two types of membership sites have one thing is common. Their memberships are made up of people who share a common need or have a common interest. You can, of course, buy a domain, set up a website and not charge for memberships but choose who to admit and who not to admit. Or you can just set up a site on an already established network. Two examples of free membership sites are Group sites on MSN and groups on Yahoo. It costs nothing to set these sites up and there is no charge at all for a person to join. .....


5. 05 Suggested Membership Site Themes
..... When you are deciding on the theme for your membership site, it is best if you can choose a theme that concerns something you are really interested in…even passionate about. Remember that you will be spending a lot of time keeping your membership informed, keeping your website interesting and keeping relevant and timely content on your website and in your ezine that you send out regularly. If you choose to start a membership site about…say….dogs. Just dogs in general won’t attract many members. You will need to choose a specific breed….and possibly even narrow it down further. Instead of Poodles, your theme should be; Tiny Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, or Standard Poodles, for example. Millions of people are dog lovers and the theme of a specific breed of dog should do well. .....


6. 06 Starting A Free Membership Site
..... Basically, a free membership site is a site where the user is not charged a membership fee to use the site but is required to supply their e-mail address, choose a user name and password to enter the site, participate in the discussions and activities. Sometimes free memberships are limited to less useful information or access while paid memberships have full access. A large entity like MSN, for example, allows members to access most things on their sites without the need for any sign in procedure at all but, in order to join a group, you must supply your email address, choose a user name and a password. The use of the site is still free. However, to use MSN as your ISP or to gain enhanced email resources you will be required to pay for it. .....


7. 07 Starting A Paid Membership Site
..... Whatever you call them - member only, membership, subscription, or mentor websites, they all have one thing in common. They are bringing in steady and constant cash flow for their owners, month after month, from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The array of the topics of these websites is endless. Some of these paid membership sites provide mentoring or coaching, others publish useful articles or information in a particular field or product. Still others publish the results of tests and studies or product reviews. Some membership sites provide specialized service or act as a meeting place for people with a common interest and then there are those that provide step-by-step instructions for such things as painting or music. .....


8. 08 Beware Of Affiliate Spamming!
..... The modern variation of the practice of paying finder's-fees for the introduction of new clients to a business is a popular method of promoting Internet businesses called affiliate marketing. An affiliate marketer is paid for every visitor, subscriber, or customer provided to an Internet business because of his efforts. The affiliate marketer earns compensation based on a certain value for each visit (Pay per click), registrant (Pay per lead), or a commission for each customer or sale (Pay per Sale), or any combination. You can see where an affiliate marketer would be sorely tempted to send out email advertising the products he makes money on for promoting. This resulted in so much SPAM being generated that anti-spam laws were enacted. Spammers are severely fined and the newest twist in the anti-spam laws are that the merchants whose affiliates spam are being held responsible for the spamming as well. So caution is well advised to merchants. .....


9. 09 The Importance Of Offering Regular Publishing Schedules
..... The people who have paid to join your membership site depend on you to provide relevant and timely information. It is their right to expect that information to be updated on a regular basis because they may be depending upon it to make decisions. When a person joins your membership site they should be told what your publishing schedule will be so that they know when they can expect to get fresh information. Adhering to that announced schedule is vitally important. Deciding what your publishing schedule will be for your website is important. Keep in mind the kind of information you will be supplying to your membership. Information that changes hourly will require a RSS feed. Information that needs to up-dated on a daily basis will most likely require a content management system. For weekly publishing of content, you can do that yourself but a content management system can make it a lot easier. .....


10. 10 Tips On Improving Your Membership Site
..... Improving and improving again your membership website is what will keep it dynamic and making a steady and reliable income. It is a law of nature (and the Internet) that everything either grows or dies. Constant improvement of your membership website will insure it grows and lives. The content of your membership website needs to always be kept up-to-date with relevant and useful information. Keep your eyes open and all of your feelers out for information that your subscribers will find interesting and helpful. If you have always relied on only print information up to this point, try adding some audio or video. People today prefer to hear or see information rather than just to read information. Setting up audio or video feeds to your website isn’t very difficult and can make a huge difference in the traffic and membership. .....


11. 11 The Main Focus Of Your Membership Site
..... Whatever the theme of your membership website is, it should always be your main focus. Every piece of written content, audio content or video content should be about the main theme of your membership website. Little side trips into very closely related fields is alright but even very closely related subjects should never detract from the main focus of your site. When you chose the theme for your membership website, you chose it because it was something that you knew a lot about and/or were (and hopefully still are) passionate about. .....


12. 12 Being Professional With Help Desk Systems And Forums
..... You need to automate everything if you want to be successful in measuring customer satisfaction. Surveying your customers is a great way of measuring customer satisfaction but if they take too much time away from other important work, it will fall by the wayside. Automate both your requests for completing the survey and your collection and reporting of the data. Some help desk management software will do this for you. If yours does not, consider customization that will enable it -- it's worth the investment. One of the best ways to find out how effective your customers think your help desk or forum is, is to take a survey.... ask the people who actually use the help desk or forum what they think about it. Asking for suggestions to improve your help desk or forum is a good idea. There are many approaches to surveying, but some are more effective than others. .....


13. 13 The Importance Of An Affiliate Program To Membership Sites
..... Affiliate programs are important to membership sites for a number of good reasons. An affiliate program isn't really a program. It's a business arrangement. Affiliate programs are also known as associate programs, associates programs, referral programs and even bounty programs. Most affiliate programs are free to join. Affiliate programs are a way to earn money without producing your own product. Affiliate programs allow a membership website to generate additional (other than the membership subscription) income by advertising products that are relevant to the site’s theme. For example, let’s say you own a membership website whose theme is golf. You would recommend products that you like yourself like golf books, magazines, videos and golfing gear. When you have an affiliate agreement with the merchants selling those products, they provide you with affiliate links which you paste into your site. Then when members click on those links and buy those products, you earn a commission. Affiliates programs can earn commissions in three ways: per click, per sale and per lead. .....


14. 14 Is Starting A Membership Site For You
..... The Internet is the ultimate 'equal opportunity employer'. Anybody can start a membership business on the Internet. All that is needed is a subject, a website and the tools to build the site. You can start a membership website business but the question is should you? Many people that decide to start a home based membership website business are destined to fail because their motivation and expectations are completely unrealistic. Before you attempt to start a membership website business you need to do a reality check. .....


15. 15 Age Old Question Is MLM A Viable Membership Model
..... If you think you want to get involved with MLM, do your research first. The challenge with MLM businesses is that people at the top are most often the winners. The biggest majority of people at the bottom end up spending money and time to get involved and end up losing whatever they put in. Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing and distribution structure. People at the top sell to those below them, who in turn sell to those below them. The higher up you are in this structure, the more money you can make. Be sure to check with at least a few other people who've entered at your level (who you identify on your own, separate from people the MLM promoter refers you to), and see what they have to say. Find out what they have to say on how - and if it’s possible - to be successful. There are advantages to Multi-level marketing. First, the start up cost is usually very low and that is a big plus to the work-at-home mom (for example) who has limited funds to launch an online business. It is a way to get started in an online business with a very small personal investment and that is a very appealing thing for many people. Pre-packaged tools and products are provided and that saves a lot of money and relieves the need for warehousing. .....


16. About SEO And Running A Membership Website In Style
..... Isaac is spending loads of time working to improve the membership websites. The membership websites is the common services (Thomas), and is like any other Internet business you will find. Learning the concept of paid membership websites is important if you intend to start running a membership website. The basic goal is to have visitors to sign up with your company. How to Launch a Flourishing Membership Website is based on research that Nicholas and his partners have done over the past 11 years. A membership website is a lot of fun to put together and can be very, very cost-effective, remarkably, when you have a monthly recurring membership set-up. No one is going to spend a minute telling you that running a membership website is easy. Nor is anyone going to spend some time telling you that building up the membership website is done quickly. Rather, what you will hear is that running a membership website and building the site takes time and effort. The first things you will need to do are complete or almost finish your web content to go on your pages. Naked web pages are unattractive. You have to dress them up so they fit every ones’ style, or at most, the visitors you want to attract to your website. When you venture into membership websites, you will need: One – The web designer. This person is responsible for writing scripts, adding logos, designing graphics, and so forth. Two – you will need someone capable of writing relevant and quality articles. Despite that, website memberships will blast your content and turn it into winning information, you will need the basic writer to fulfill the common content that fits your web site. In view of the fact that your paid membership website is projected to rake in some monumental earnings for you, taking this course would be an asset worth the everyday expenditure. You need people if you do not have basic web and HTML skills. You need people if you do not have basic writing skills for running a membership website. .....


17. Are Membership Sites The Right Choice
.....Membership sites are gaining a lot of popularity both for the Internet marketer and for the consumer. They are a great way to market products for the marketer and a convenient choice for getting needed products or information for the consumer. So in essence, this type of site is a win – win situation for everyone. The viewer gets his needs met and so does the Internet marketer. The Benefits for the Internet Marketer When you look to the Internet to produce money, you are always on the lookout for new products, or new ways you can produce money online. You need to sell and selling online can be difficult because there is never eye-to-eye contact and this causes the Internet to be somewhat impersonal and a difficult sale, but Membership sites solve a lot of these problems. A membership site allows you to give qualified information away for free or for the price of the membership fee. This information pertains to the interest of a certain group of people. If for instance, you are a teacher and have all kinds of interesting activities, downloads on your site, information that in general will help all teachers with their skills, then this would be your niche, or the group you want to market to. You can either offer free membership to your site with all of this great information or charge a small by monthly fee. You can even do both. Offer certain information for free, but make a paid membership available for people that want more detailed information. Using a membership site in any of these forms will produce you money. The Paid Membership Site .....


18. Building And Running A Membership Website With Ease
..... Selling fish is entirely different from selling access to a membership website. It can be a bundle of joy putting a membership website together. When you start running a membership website it can become lucrative, particularly if you have recurring monthly members format. Membership websites are often something that most people wanted to design for years. Another advantage of running a membership website is that the start-up cost is affordable. Despite that one can afford to open a membership website, not everyone is prepared for the change. Operating and running a membership website is no walk through the sunny park. Membership websites build communities’ of users, but the first thing a person must do before joining the site is to research the company or person that runs the website. If you do not have a top quality web site with the security the user is expecting, you could very well fall on your face. Building a membership website in all aspects is not a quick task. One of the hassles of running a membership website is creating quality content on a consistent basis that your members will find useful. One the most labor exhaustive chores of running a membership website are to come up with fresh valuable content for your visitors. Growing a membership website is a full-time job, but it is one that I utterly something to enjoy. The membership website is full of downloadable resources in addition to articles full of insight. .....


19. Creating A Revenue Generating Membership Site
.....If you’re interested in creating an income online, then chances are you’ve been doing a little research and you’ve heard that the new type of website that is producing money and growing in popularity is the membership site. This type of site is one of the best ways to make money online. It is a website like other sites but differs in that you specialize in a certain topic and have quality information regarding that particular topic and will let readers have access to that topic for a certain membership fee or in some cases just for signing up and letting you send them information to their email. These people pay you a recurring fee either on a monthly, bi monthly, bi-yearly, or yearly basis. If you continue to add valuable information to the site these people will remain members to your site thereby creating passive and recurring revenue for you. These same people may even promote your site and cause others to join as well. What Kind of Information Works on a Membership Site? Whether you know it or not you are a specialist in some field, and when you have a wealth of knowledge in a certain area, you usually just tell your friends and maybe your family so they can “ooohh and aaaaaaaaahh” at your accomplishments (this usually happens about once a year at Christmas time), or you can turn that knowledge into revenue. So if you are an expert in Karate, Baking Chocolate chip cookies, chauffeuring the kids around town, or even reading novels, you can make money with that knowledge by creating a membership site that caters to people that are looking for an expert in the field. .....


20. Get Real And Start Running A Membership Website
..... Currently, I am designing my own membership website. The latest hosting companies have provided me with all the right tools to get through loopholes and design one of the top websites online. Make no mistake, it took me years of practice, designing, and writing SEO content for other businesses to get where I am now. In other words, running a membership website is not for clowns. You have to get real to start running a membership website. If you want to see those big dollar signs dancing in front your eyes, then now is the time to get real, informed, and stop that damn clowning around. We have a few solutions for starting a membership website. First, you can start and maintain a membership website by using special software programs. Alternatively, you can take another route. Website memberships do not require software, unless you lack skills to build, design, write, link, connect, create blogs, member interactive boards, and all that other junk that goes on the top of the line websites. .....


21. Marketing And Running A Membership Website
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22. Membership Sites Produce More
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23. Membership Sites Are A Non Traditional Way Of Marketing
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24. Membership Websites In Full Swing
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25. Paid For Running A Membership Website
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26. Projecting And Running A Membership Website
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28. RUNNING A MEMBERSHIP WEBSITE By Membership Website Experts
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31. Resource For Running A Membership Website
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32. Resources For Running A Membership Website
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33. Running A Membership Website Online
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34. SEO Smart Toppers And Running A Membership Website
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35. Smart Solutions In Running A Membership Website
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36. Start Running A Membership Website
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37. The Strategy Used To Build And Run A Membership Website
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38. Thinking About Running A Membership Website
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39. Tools In Running A Membership Website
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40. Venturing Into Running A Membership Website
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41. Why Run A Membership Web Site
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