• NUTRITION AND HEALTH Non-communicable diseases Nutrition and HIV/AIDS • Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. • Good nutrition – an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity &ndash ...
defination Is the process of monitoring changes in the nutritional status of a population over a period of time. Nutrition surveillance involves Data collection, processing, Analyses, Interpretation and Communication Types/methods of nutritional survillance 1. Large-scale food and nutrition surveys The ...
Session Objectives By the end of the session, participants will be able to: • Describe common types of therapeutic and supplementary foods used in nutrition care • Describe concepts and types of therapeutic care • Discuss the protocols of comprehensive ...
19 ? / p.66 Reader’s Bank Level 6 There are two types of food in our daily diet. One is acidic food such as meat, grain, sugar and dairy products. The other is alkaline food, which is mainly fruits ...
Contents of the chapter What eating right means? Why it is important to eat healthy? What is nutrition? Types of nutrients. What balanced diet is? Which food items we should avoid? What eating right means? • Food is a source ...
Nutrition - the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. • Nutrition is how food affects the health of the body. • Food is essential—it provides vital nutrients for survival, and helps the body ...
Diet Diet produces energy What you eat is the fuel that allows your muscles to move What does food do • for me? Provides energy •Repairs injured tissue •Helps our bodies grow •Contributes to good general health ...
In-service Goal Goal: Certifiers will improve counseling skills by using different types of summaries during counseling sessions. Target audience: All certifiers Timeline: Complete the in-service by December 31, 2021 2 Objectives Identify 3 types of summaries and their components. Demonstrate ...
PROTEIN ENERGY MALNUTRITION • Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is the deficiency of macronutrients or energy and protein in the diet. • It is a nutritional disorder, which affects all the segments of population like children, women and adult males particularly ...
• Objectives: In 2013, The General Administration of Pharmaceutical Care started the National Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Program in Saudi Arabia. The pharmacist can provide neonates’ TPN services. In this study, we aimed to estimate the economic outcomes and cost ...
Carbohydrates Objective 1: Describe the functions of the simple and complex carbohydrates Objective 2: Describe the relationship between glucose and glycogen Objective 3: Describe the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes Objective 4: Identify the benefits of fiber ...
Need for Nutrition Support • Nutrition support: delivery • Nutrition support may be of formulated nutrients by required to meet patient’s feeding tube or nutritional needs intravenous infusion – Patients often too ill to • Enteral nutrition: obtain energy ...
Introduction Aim of Nutrition in Emergencies is to reduce mortality associated with malnutrition and improve the nutrition status of the affected population and prevent their situation from deteriorating Nutrition Situation Analysis Should ultimately lead to action Uses the Triple A ...
Enteral Nutrition •Definition—administration of nutrients directly into the GI tract •Beneficial when oral feedings are not possible, but the stomach or intestines are able to digest nutrients •Preferred over parenteral nutrition Evidence-Based Practice •Indications &ndash ...
Microbial Nutrition Nutrition – Is a process by which chemical substances (nutrients) are acquired from the environment and used in cellular activities Essential nutrients – Is Nutrient must be provided to an organism Two categories of essential nutrients: – Macronutrients ...