File: Behavior Ppt 78492 | Final Ppt Animal Behavior 2014 First Term
ethology animal behavior scientific study of animal behavior in their natural or usual environment study of habits and customs of animals founders of this study famous behaviorists lorenz and tinbergen ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 05 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ethology animal behavior scientific study of in their natural or usual environment habits and customs animals founders this famous behaviorists lorenz tinbergen earned nobel peace prize for work big theory s evolved through the interaction with its what is way which interact surrounding both animate humans other plants inanimate objects places sun air all acts performed by feeding drinking fighting etc response to a certain stimulus aim t find establish optimum environmental condition know going within mind understand body language diagnose disease normal vs abnormal examine treat how handle select method restraint acc achieve reproduction raise livestock sexual maternal welfare will lead high performance production actual causes induce behavioral disorders vices an understanding facilitate handling reduce stress improve handler safety large can seriously injure handlers themselves if they become excited agitated stockman farm manager transporter designer houses have be aware informati...