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25 Household Pets Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 21 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Household Pets. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. All You Want To Know About Vaccinating Your Pet
..... Timely vaccinations are very important part of pet’s health. Different types of vaccine shots are to be given at different times. Some people are against vaccination and some are in favor of vaccination, but the assertion is that there are risks involved with both. A firm statement cannot be passed on a broader level, instead the rules vary from one individual animal to another depending on the needs and tolerance levels of the animal. There are certain factors based on which the decision must be taken. Young ones which have been separated from their mothers before six weeks and are bottle-fed are at a higher risk of getting diseases. This is because the animals, which feed on their mother’s milk, get maternal antibodies, which protects them until their own immune system has been fully developed. The development of immune system can differ on the basis of amount and type of viruses they are getting exposed to, the potency of the virus and the body’s ability to face the virus attack. Diet and nutrition also plays an important role in preventing diseases. .....


2. Animal Languages
..... Animals to communicate with humans use animal language. The animal language is a modified version of early human language itself only that animals lack complexity and are less expressive. Great ape language is a means to communicate among apes such as bonobos, orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. Humans communicate with these animals using sign language, lexigrams, yerkish and physical tokens. Jacques Vauclair, Francine Patterson and David Premack are well-known researchers in great ape language. Humans have used sign language since a very long time. One of the important sign language used by humans is American Sign Language. Animals also use signs to express their feelings and for communication sake. Vocabulary words have been taken from American Sign Language to communicate with the apes. Lexigrams are symbols, which represent something. The symbols are laid down on a flat board called the lexigram board. The lexigram board has three panels with three hundred and eighty four keys. These boards are especially used to communicate with chimpanzees and bonobos. Yerkish also involves keyboard with punch keys, which have the lexigram symbols. It is actually an artificial language. Computer keyboards are also used to aid animals as most of them can be easily trained for keyboard operation. .....


3. Choosing A Pet Sitter
..... Pet sitters are like baby sitters, who are employed to take care of a pet within the home. Usually, pet owners hire them on a contract basis when they go out on vacations. They can also be employed for a short duration like for an evening. The advantage of hiring a pet sitter is that the pet is taken care of within its environment. The problem faced by segregating the pet out of its environment is that they become stressed out. In case of travelling before reaching the new owner they can also experience travel trauma. Vaccinations are administered to the pet after studying their lifestyle. Chances are that they can become ill because of exposure to parasites, as that situation wasn’t considered during the time of vaccination. .....


4. Classical Conditioning And Pet Training
..... The science of associating something with an activity is known as classical conditioning. The best example is the experiment conducted by Pavlov. Whenever he served food to his dog, he used to ring a bell. In the beginning, the dog used to salivate by looking at the food. Later he began associating the bell with the food and at a point of time, he used to salivate at the sound of the bell. This doesn’t mean that the actual noise of the ringing bell made him salivate. The dog associated the ringing of the bell with the food and that food or even the thought of it made him salivate. Classical conditioning cannot actually make the dog to sit or jump at the command, but it does change the way the pet feels about a particular situation in which it is right now. Classical conditioning gives explanation about the behavior relating to a particular place, object or event. It explains how the emotional response is developed. The responses can be developed in the animal either wontedly or by chance. Also the trainer must remember that the change in the behavior is irreversible most of the times. .....


5. Declawing Cats
..... Declawing is a surgical procedure involving removal of claws and should not be mistaken for pedicure. Declawing puts the pet in great pain not only during the surgery but also after it. Although it is practiced widely in many countries, it is still considered as an unnecessary mutilation and is illegal in some countries. Another drawback is that this surgical procedure isn’t reversible. Before getting this surgery, owners should understand many aspects of it. The claw is very different from a toenail as it is attached to the bone. The last bone and the joint are removed along with the claw, during declawing. Nature has designed the body in a way such that everything is used to balance its movement, agility and grace. The main purpose of claws is to defend an enemy and to get proper grip while walking. By amputating the joint, the whole walk is altered. Other than walking, even other behaviors like eating, hunting, grip, etc. also gets changed. They can no longer enjoy climbing trees and tall objects which also means that they cannot jump from heights. Declawing changes the life of a cat. Some owners have even sworn that the whole personality of the animal is changed after the procedure. Although medical science hasn’t reported any side effects, but there are physical and emotional complications in the animal. The recovery is also full of pain and the pet can aggravate the situation by walking and scratching the litter box. .....


6. Dog Shows
..... Dog shows, breed shows or conformation shows are competitions where the judges examine dogs of a specific breed or sometimes dogs of all breeds, to see whether it meets the breed standards or not. Kennel clubs and breed clubs conduct such kinds of shows. Shows where only specific breeds are examined are known as specialty show. The standards are set prior to the show by the judges of the show. During the show, they choose dogs, which match the set standards. This task is extremely difficult because the judgments made should be completely subjective. Not only is one dog compared with the other, but the comparison of the dog to the judge's image of an ideal dog which meet the breed standard almost perfectly. The objective of each dog show is to select a winner dog, which matches the breed standards. .....


7. Domestic Fishkeeping
..... Fishes are kept at home in aquariums and ponds. The hobby of fish keeping is divided into brackish, saltwater, and freshwater fish keeping, out of which freshwater fish keeping is the favorite. The fishes which are popular for fish keeping are angelfish, goldfish and guppies. Different species of fishes can be kept together and sometimes fishes of the same species are kept together for breeding purpose. With breeders, the popular fish species are guppies, mollies, catfish, killifish, cichlid, and characin. Fish keeping was started centuries ago. At that time fishes were bred for food. Also, due to religious reasons, fish was eaten on days when meat wasn’t allowed. The Chinese and Japanese traditions included fish keeping for food purposes. But later the kings began keeping goldfishes and koi, because of their attractive colors. They were kept in ponds and when guests used to arrive, the fishes were shifted indoors in fish bowls. Romans were also known to keep lampreys in pools with salt water. Ancient Egyptians kept fishes from Oxyrhynchus in temple pools. .....


8. Finding Lost Pets
..... Different species of animals behave differently when they are lost and also in most of the situations, owners also panic and search frantically all over the place. What people don’t realize is that they shouldn’t take any action in haste but should put in some thinking. And in such critical situations, time cannot be wasted. If smart tactics are used, the animal will itself come walking to the owner. The first thing to do is to call out the name of the animal very loudly. Usually the owners call out the name of the animal at meal times. So the pet will associate the name calling with food and will come out of the hiding for food if they are in vicinity. Also, the dry food treats, which are given to the animal, can be put in a can and covered with a lid. Then the can should be rattled. Hearing the noise the pet will come rushing to have the treat, no matter where they are hiding. They will get tempted to have their treat. This technique is also known as conditioning response and is very effective. .....


9. Giving Crate Training To Pets
..... Crate training can be very difficult as the first feeling of the pet towards it will be loathsome. One of the reasons is that the animal’s movement becomes very restricted. Pets which are kept in a crate, will also find it difficult as the size will be even more limited when compared to the cage. Things will be even more complicated for pets which are habituated to roam freely in the home and as well as outside, like in a back yard. In this case, experts suggest classical conditioning. This approach consists of counter-conditioning and desensitizing. The cat must be made familiar with the environment within the crate. This is known as desensitization. And to alter the pet’s negative attitude to a positive one is known as counter-conditioning. .....


10. Goldfish Maintenance
..... Goldfishes were first among the fishes and also the most common fishes that were kept as pets. They are popular because they are inexpensive and long lasting. They can even survive in ponds covered with ice, until they have sufficient supply of oxygen. Many types of goldfishes are available in the market. Because of selective breeding, different types of goldfishes are available which differ in color, shape, eye and fin configuration. Some of these fishes cannot survive in the wild and must be kept only in the aquarium. This is because of their attractive colors. Thanks to mixed breeding, the body of some fishes have been modified which is an obstruction in natural breeding. Such kinds of fishes are hand bred, but this procedure is very risky and has to be executed very carefully. Goldfishes can be kept in aquarium with cold water. According to the popular perception, goldfishes should have to be kept in goldfish bowl. But what people do not realize is that the decreased water surface area provides lesser oxygen to the fishes, which can result in difficulty in respiration. The fishes also die very quickly because of ammonia or nitrite poisoning. Hence, goldfish bowls have been banned in many countries. Also goldfishes that are kept in bowls have a shorter lifespan. One medium sized goldfish need minimum of ten gallons of water. Goldfishes intoxicate the water very quickly with their feces and the chemicals released from their gills. The water should be cleaned regularly otherwise the fishes can die in a short period. The water surface area should be considered when introducing new fishes to the aquarium, because more the water surface area, more the diffused oxygen. The water can also be aerated with the help of filter or water pump. Goldfishes cannot survive sudden water temperature shifts. This usually happens in winters, when the heating is turned on. .....


11. How Dogs Communicate
..... Dogs are one of the intelligent animals among the domestic pets. They have the ability to communicate with humans, other dogs and even other animals. They do this by using body signs and different vocals. The signs are made with the help of body movement involving eyes, ears, eyebrows, head, mouth and tail. Different vocals include barks, howls, growls, whimpers and whines. Dogs do gestures whose meaning can change depending on the situation. Like if a dog pants, it can mean that the dog is feeling hot or the dog is happy or anxious. Confident and higher ranked dogs have a high held tail. Dogs have the feeling of submission and dominance in them. This is because the dogs live in packs, in the wild. They have hierarchy within the group. The weaker dogs submit themselves to the stronger dog. That is the reason why dogs lower their tail when they feel insecure. When the dogs fight for dominance, the fur on their tail stands up. They and even other animals, do this to increase their size in front of their enemy. .....


12. Insurance For Pets
..... Insurance is taken for pets to cut down on the veterinary costs, especially in case of an accident or when the pet is ill. Other than this, insurance is also available to pay incase the animal is stolen, lost or dead. Insurance is a must, especially in a situation where the condition is serious and the money is less. Such unexpected conditions are known as economic euthanasia. Veterinary expenditure is extremely huge and the bill is really big which might not be easy to pay. Since pets are being adopted on a large scale and the cost of veterinary medicine are increasing by the day, more and more pet owners are now opting for pet insurance. There are insurances with different policies and schemes. Some of them pay the complete amount, while the others pay a partial amount. In the United Kingdom, majority of the pet insurance pay the complete amount and in United States, pet insurances pay only eighty percent of the fees. In case of an injury or illness, apart from taking care of vet fees, other expenses such as prescription medicines, surgery, and lab tests are also dealt with. .....


13. Intestinal Blockages In Pets Caused By Foriegn Objects
..... Playful pets tend to eat a lot of things which they find it difficult to digest. Sometimes these foreign objects can block their intestines and if immediate action isn’t taken it can even lead to death of the animal. Usually in serious cases, the foreign object needs to be taken out surgically. Animals such as dogs, cats, mouse, have the habit of chewing loose chords, especially that of the computer. Other things which get chewed are plants, wool strands, plastic bags, shoes, toys, purse straps, vinyl objects, leather objects, baskets, furniture, and bed frames. Though prevention can be taken and the house can be made pet proof, but still there are chances of such accidents. Some animals either pass these objects through stool or vomit it out. Such incidents can happen anytime and the animal cannot be lucky every time. The objects can still remain in the body even after pooping and vomiting. .....


14. Keeping Cats As Pets
..... Cats are low maintenance pets when compared to many other domestic pets. They are also attention seekers. They like to get lots of affection from their owners. If all the family members work full time, another cat should be brought in the family so as to provide company for the first one. Especially, young cats should not be left alone for long periods as that will affect the psychological growth of animal. Cats can also get bored easily. They always want a companion to play with. Cats should be left outside. They are very inquisitive by nature and like to wander outdoors. Cats, which are kept indoors, develop obesity and tend to eat more out of boredom. But according to a research, cats that are kept indoors all their life have a longer life span. This is because they are not at all exposed to germs, dogs, cars, or other cats, which can harm them when living in wild habitat. Cats shouldn’t be let out unsupervised. Before doing so, the dangers should be evaluated. Some cats even go into the neighbor’s plot and dig out soil or flowerpots. They can even litter and the owner can be fined for that. .....


15. Leash Training
..... Initially pets don’t like to be held by anything; exception can be when they are being fed they will allow to be held against. If they are held by force, they will retaliate by biting, spinning, clawing or jumping. One of the reasons can be that because they weren’t used to such kind of affection, this alien action will actually scare them. Another reason can be because of the lack of trust; they won’t let a stranger hold them. During this period of time it would also be difficult to put leash on the pet. They will be very restless and will try to get away. Adding to this, they will be quite young and playful. They will look at the harness as a hanging toy and will play with it. And even if the owner is successful in leashing his pet, there will be more challenges waiting ahead. When the animal feels the tug of the leash, it will jump, try to bite the leash or claw it, roll over its back, etc. In the beginning, the animal can feel short of breath, at such times, the animal should be given a break from walking. He should be also shown affection by patting its back or stroking its fur. It helps the pet to accept things more easily and early. .....


16. Mellowing Down A Wild Pet
..... Orphaned animals which have been rescued from the wild will have wild natural instincts, no matter what their age is. Even when they play, it’s rough which involves lots of biting and clawing. The same is true with exotic pets. They will have a more wild side when compared to the domestic ones. It would be unfair to generalize this principle for all, but it is true in most of the cases. The biggest challenge faced by the new owner will be limit the usage of teeth and claws by the pet. Teeth are the more dangerous of the two, because wild and exotic pets bite really hard, even while playing, until they aren’t given proper training. Even if the owner tries to pat the pet, it will show its affection by biting. The owner must not consider this act as an aggressive one, but it should be amended in early stages otherwise this habit will turn into a permanent one. The owner must never consider declawing, defanging as the first resort or even as the last resort. The pet undergoes a lot of pain during and after the surgery. Many owners swear that their pets had undergone total personality change after declawing. They also turn violent as their means of natural defense is lost. And no quantity and quality of training can undo this negativity. Also, it certainly doesn’t mean that the animal will not bite after its canines have been removed. Even after defanging the animal, it can still bite and hurt with its molars. .....


17. Operant Conditioning And Pet Training
..... The species of the animals, their history, and their upbringing plays a vital role in personality development of the pet. The characteristic of a specific species cannot be generalized, although some habits can be common. It is therefore recommended that the characteristic of the individual animal should be studied before designing the training plan for it. But some basic principles can be applied along with the designed training plan. The training plan can be equipped with training equipments, reference training book, etc. Operant condition is the most important and basic thing to concentrate upon during training. Operant condition explains the effect of the training technique on the behavior of the animal. For example, the pet will understand that if he uses the litter box properly it will get a treat. And he can avoid a punishment by not jumping on a sleeping person in the middle of the night. A human learns that if he works hard, he will be able to get good grades and if he touches the flame of a burning candle he will burn himself. All these are example of the outcome of operant conditioning. .....


18. Peafowl
..... Peafowl belongs to the Phasianidae Pheasant family. There are two species of peafowl, the Green Peafowl and The Indian Peafowl. The Green peafowl is native to Myanmar, Thailand, and China and the Indian Peafowl or blue peafowl is native to India. The males, called Peacock, especially are famous for their glamorous tail and the crown on their head. The females are known as Peahen and are grey and brown in color. Green peafowl are on the verge of extinction because of the massive hunting and depletion of their natural habitat. They further have three subspecies called P. M. muticus, P. M. imperator and P. muticus. Some breeders say that there are more subspecies of Green Peafowl. Green fowls are more expensive as they are not available on a large scale and they are very temperature sensitive. The Indian peafowl are hardy and are less expensive. They are also famous with breeders and are also found in North America. .....


19. Pet Allergies And Their Causes
..... People can become allergic to pets because of proteins from animal hair, urine or saliva. Pets which can cause allergies are dogs, cats, chicken, mice, rats, cows, horses, hamsters, guinea pig and birds. Allergic reaction can attack the respiratory system, eyes which can result in hay fever, urticaria, asthmatic symptoms, eye symptoms or eczema. Hay fever makes the patient develop itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezes. Asthmatic symptoms are wheezing, prolonged expiration, rapid breathing, over inflated chest, and fast heart rate. Urticaria, nettle rash, hives or uredo is a skin condition where the skin develops raised red welts. They can appear on any part of the body. The welt can badly itch, burn or even sting. Eye symptoms include watering and itching of the eyes. Eczema or atopic dermatitis is an atopic skin disease. Young children are more prone to getting this disease. The skin becomes hypersensitive when the allergens touch the body parts and becomes flaky and starts itching very badly. It also turns red and can also get further affected with bacteria. .....


20. Pet Passport And PETS
..... Pets require a passport when they travel from one country to another. The passport has official information about the animal in picture. Pet Travel Scheme or PETS, is a scheme which allows the easy obtainment of the pet passport with out going through quarantine. The animal can easily travel between member countries. Even the issue of passport is expedited through this scheme. They issue passport for even transport of pets. Some of the member countries are countries of the European Union along with the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has been famous for rabies control in the past and that is the reason why they require six month quarantine period for imported animals. PETS’ scheme was introduced on October 1st, 2001. The scheme has also been rolled out in countries like the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. Pets travelling to countries other than the member countries require a valid passport and rabies vaccination. The pet passport has multiple forms which are in a small blur booklet or on pink A4 sheet. The passport contains the tattoo number of the animal or a microchip. A certification too is included, which has information about the rabies vaccination, which is signed by a veterinary surgeon that is officially approved. People usually confuse the passport with a purple colored small folder which is a folder that has records of the pet’s complete vaccination history. .....


21. Pets For The Physically Handicapped
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22. Petting Hedgehog
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23. Problems Faced During Litter Box Training
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24. Selecting A Vet For The Pet
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25. Sports Pet
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