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picture1_Production Pdf 162355 | Options

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File: Production Pdf 162355 | Options
2009 options for the 4 year bsc 70100 agricultural economics semester 1 semester 2 econ2210 environmental economics econ2223 business and the environment econ2233 microeconomics policy and applications econ3300 agricultural economics ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Options for the year bsc agricultural economics semester econ environmental business and environment microeconomics policy applications marketing analysis natural resource animal ecology zoology at least one of anim invertebrate vertebrate envt introduction to zoophysiology genetics evolution behavioural option scie molecular biology cell gene breeding summer sem mol in man systems science production nutrition ethics welfare sci technology pt pts climate system global change biodiversity eart dynamics pl from coastal management earth surface processes soils geomorphology sediments marine geology planning mgmt env coasts rivers sustainability law pol project risk decision tools human geography geographies development cities rural australia asia pacific social land water hydrology research proj soil l w case studies mgt field techniques marineenv physical oceanography biological intro geographic information plant conservation biol cons saving endangered species plnt diversity systematics...

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