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6 Radioimmunoassay Slideshare Files | Download Free Collection Files

Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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List of 6 Radioimmunoassay Slideshare Files | Download Free Collection Files.
1. Radioimmunoassay Slideshare 77413 | Nilansu Dasria And Elisa2020 05 31ria Elisa Upload
picture Radioimmunoassay Slideshare 77413 | Nilansu Dasria And Elisa2020 05 31ria Elisa Upload
Clarified syllabus. Clarificaton shown in blue An overview of immune response : Innate and adaptive immune response, primary and secondary immune response, organs of mammalian immune system Basic concept on molecular structure of immunoglobulins(antibody), humoral and cellular immune responses, antigen presentation, MHC Lymphocytes and immune response: cytotoxic T- cell, helper T-cell, suppressor T-cell Naive B-cell, plasma cell, memory B-cell Basic concept in Autoimmune diseases, Immunodeficiency-AIDS and vaccinaton. Introducton to immunodiagnostcs – RIA, ELISA. y ssa oa n mu oim di ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 2.01 MB | Free Download


2. Radioimmunoassay Slideshare 77387 | Lab 6 Ria Insulin
picture Radioimmunoassay Slideshare 77387 | Lab 6 Ria Insulin
Radioimmunoassay • Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a very sensitive in vitro assay technique used to measure concentrations of antigens (for example, hormone levels in the blood) by use of antibodies. • RIA technique is extremely sensitive and extremely specific, requiring specialized equipment. History • The technique was introduced in 1960 by Berson and Yalow as an assay for the concentration of insulin in plasma. • It represented the first time that hormone levels in the blood could be detected by an ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.74 MB | Free Download


picture Hplc Slideshare 66986 | Analytical Tech
Q:1: The analytical technique in which optics (Photometry) is NOT used in any form: a. Atomic Absorption b. HPLC c. POCT for glucose d. Radioimmunoassay e. Real Time PCR Best answer: d. Radioimmunoassay Optical Techniques used in Various Instruments Atomic Absorption Photometry: Primarily a Photometric Technique HPLC: Photometry used in detection in many types of HPLC Glucometers: Reflectance technique Real Time PCR: Fluorometry in detection Q: 2. A Chemical Pathology autoanalyser has rejected the blank cuvettes before the start of ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.70 MB | Free Download


picture Immuno Assay Slideshare 67049 | 2019 Item Download 2022-08-28 02-54-21
Topics: Laboratory methods of assessment of humoral immunity. Radioimmunoassay, enzyme immunoassay Laboratory measurement of specific IgE antibodies. Laboratory measurement of autoantibodies. Laboratory methods of assessment of cellular immunity. Flow cytometry - principles, practical use. Laboratory methods of assessment of humoral immunity all methods use an antigen (Ag) – antibody(Ab) reaction as their primary means of detection we assess either Ag or Ab Laboratory methods of assessment of humoral immunity • Precipitation – immunodiffussion immunoelectrophoresis turbidimetry nephelometry • Agglutination • Radioimmunoassay ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 2.28 MB | Free Download


picture Immuno Assay Slideshare 66740 | 1625129326
INTRODUCTION • Hormonal assay is the test carried out on sample of blood to detect and measure the level of a hormone. • It is performed to confirm hormonal abnormalities and also during treatment and after treatment of hormonal abnormalities. Measurement of Hormone Concentration in the Blood • Hormones are present in the blood in extremely minute quantities. • Some concentrations are as low as one billionth of a milligram (1 picogram) per milliliter. Therefore, it was very difficult to ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.53 MB | Free Download


picture Radioimmunoassay Slideshare 77668 | 25011 Item Download 2022-09-03 07-00-10
Principle of Radioimmunoassay • Principle: Uses an immune reaction [Antigen – Antibody reaction] to estimate a ligand Ag + Ag* + Ab AgAb + Ag*Ab + Ag + Ab* – Unbound Ag* and Ag washed out – Radioactivity of bound residue measured – Ligand conc is inversely related to radioactivity [Ag : ligand to be measured ; Ag* radiolabelled ligand] Advantages & Disadvantages of RIA • Advantages – Highly specific: Immune reactions are specific – High sensitivity : Immune reactions ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.07 MB | Free Download


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