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picture1_Hplc Slideshare 66986 | Analytical Tech

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File: Hplc Slideshare 66986 | Analytical Tech
q 1 the analytical technique in which optics photometry is not used in any form a atomic absorption b hplc c poct for glucose d radioimmunoassay e real time pcr ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Q the analytical technique in which optics photometry is not used any form a atomic absorption b hplc c poct for glucose d radioimmunoassay e real time pcr best answer optical techniques various instruments primarily photometric detection many types of glucometers reflectance fluorometry chemical pathology autoanalyser has rejected blank cuvettes before start analysis with message cuvette check fail dirty following phenomena mainly prevented by this function absorbance light emission scattering transmission modifications makes liquid chromatography high performance fixed loop injector increasing volatility sample derivatization length columns from to nm small diameter particles as stationary phase uv lamp detectors it reported that sensitivity an method times higher than flame reason very drastic reduction background noise most ground state atoms absorb use hollow cathode made material be analysed temperature excitation...

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