The Canning of Food Objectives Vocabulary Explain the purpose of different Agitation retorts equipment used in home and commercial canning. Aseptic processing Explain when the hot-pack and cold- Canning pack methods are appropriate to prepare food for canning. Cold-pack Compare the two processing methods Cold-point for home canning foods. Explain why different foods require Hot-pack different methods of processing. Pouch canning Describe the role of conduction and convection in canning. Pressure processing Compare different commercial canning Raw-pack methods. Explain how ...
Today we will learn 1. Proper canning practices preserving jams at home. 2. When, why, and how to sterilize jars. 3. How lids seal. Why it is important to get a good seal to assure a safe product. 4. What to do if you think that a canned product is not safe (and what to do with it). Canning Basics How does canning (processing) preserve food? 1. The heat kills any bacteria that can cause illness or spoilage. 2. Creates ...
Canning 1. Raw material: – Care for variety • Tomatoes with higher solid more tomato paste (24%) more efficient – Uniformity: • In maturity, in size By: Dr. Ossama Dimassi Canning 2. Storage • Better storage facility higher flexibility – Materials bought at optimal price to quality • Depends on our processing capability By: Dr. Ossama Dimassi Canning 3. Soaking & washing: (1/3) – Necessary cleaning step • Hot/ cold water • Depending on raw material By: Dr. Ossama ...
Canning • Canning means, the preservation of food in permanent, hermetically sealed containers (of metal, glass, thermostable plastic, or a multilayered flexible pouch) through agency of heat • Heating is the principle factor to destroy the microorganisms and the permanent sealing is to prevent re-infection. Containers for canned foods: • The container plays a vital role in food • canning, it must be: • 1-) Capable of being hermetically sealed to prevent entry of microorganisms. • 2-) Impermeable to liquids ...
Canning • The process of sealing fruits and vegetables or any other foodstuffs hermetically (air tight) in containers and sterilizing them by heat for long storage is known as canning. In 1904, Nicholas Appert of France invented this process and he is called as “Father of Canning”. The process of canning is also known as Appertization. Can filling • Can filling is the process of aseptically filling whole or sized fruit or vegetables into the containers. The cans are ...
Canning Vegetables Safely • Help Desk: 800-442-4614 • Phone in to today’s program –Toll: 630-424-2356 –Toll Free: 855-947-8255 –Passcode: 6774570# • Program will be archived: Look under the ‘Lunch & Learn’ tab Canning Vegetables Safely Lunch & Learn 12 noon to 1 pm July 14, 2014 What vegetables do you like to can?? Per Capita Consumption of Canned Vegetables Pounds per person per year in the U.S. Vegetable 1970 ...
KLINGER Efektivitas mempelajari bahasa: a.tujuan mempelajari bahasa; b.kemampuan menyerap konsep abstrak; c.pemilihan materi yang sesuai. 4 TAHAP PERKEMBANGAN KATA-KATA 1. Pengalaman konkret Pemberian identitas 2. Tahap mengklasifikasikan 3. Individu memberi definisi TAHAP PERKEMBANGAN KOGNISI INDIVIDU 1. Aktivitas motorik (0-24 bulan). 2. Anak mampu menguasai simbol (24 bulan-7 tahun). 3. Anak mampu melakukan aktivitas logis tertentu (7- 11 tahun). 4. Anak mampu menghubungkan kejadian satu dengan kejadian yang lain. (mulai 11 tahun). TUJUAN PENELITIAN • mengetahui apakah metode ...