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picture1_Science Ppt 68299 | 072017 Medmarc Medaccred Sterilization

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File: Science Ppt 68299 | 072017 Medmarc Medaccred Sterilization
mark aubele staff engineer stn pri senior program manager for nondestructive testing measurement inspection electronics aerospace quality systems pri staff engineer medaccred sterilization task group pri 16 years as the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Mark aubele staff engineer stn pri senior program manager for nondestructive testing measurement inspection electronics aerospace quality systems medaccred sterilization task group years as the lead auditor ndt penetrant magnetic particle ultrasonic radiography digital rt dda cr eddy current also etch and college level instructor experience an professional inspecting various components in nuclear construction fabrication navsea examiner certification pt mt ut corporate s across board held at times kim patton becton dickinson co chair bachelor of science microbiology clemson university sc ww bd shared services subject matter expert with medical device pharmaceutical technologies fda regulated industry audit certified aami primary representative wg radiation alternate moist heat biological indicators terminology standards committee ssc astm member dosimetry workshop gipa cirms green belt rod parker stryker vice technology master biomedical engineering doctorate business began my career i...

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