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picture1_Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 85841 | 2 Sterilization Techniques

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File: Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 85841 | 2 Sterilization Techniques
2 sterilization technique used in microbiology abhay kumar l narasimha murthy a jeyakumari and laly s j mumbai research centre of cift vashi navi mumbai 400703 introduction sterilization is the ...

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...Sterilization technique used in microbiology abhay kumar l narasimha murthy a jeyakumari and laly s j mumbai research centre of cift vashi navi introduction is the process killing all microorganisms bacterial viral fungal with use either physical or chemical agents disinfectant substance that kills on inanimate objects such as exam tables surgical instruments skin can never be completely sterile microbiological laboratory denotes implemented preparation culture media reagents equipment where work warrants maintaining condition done by following methods method i e heat filters radiation chemicals dry inoculation loops needle are sterilized heating to red bunsen burner spirit lamp flame hot air oven performed at temperature c maintained holding for one hour spores killed this most common glassware swab sticks pestle mortar mineral oil etc causes protein denaturation oxidative damage toxic effect elevated electrolyte absence water b wet moist accomplished boiling minutes bath syringes rub...

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