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picture1_Specimen Collection Ppt 83253 | 3rdpre Analytical Laboratory Errors Dr Sami

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File: Specimen Collection Ppt 83253 | 3rdpre Analytical Laboratory Errors Dr Sami
objectives objectives identify the significant pre analytical identify the significant pre analytical errors that can occur during blood errors that can occur during blood specimen collection and transport specimen collection ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Objectives identify the significant pre analytical errors that can occur during blood specimen collection and transport explain various means of error prevention list proactive steps to reduce potential associated with introduction three phases laboratory testing post processing results transmission phase handling physiological variables such as effect lifestyle age gender pregnancy menstruation endogenous drugs etc some be controlled knowledge uncontrollable need well understood german society for clinical chemistry medicine proposed comprehensive recommendations on quality diagnostic samples hemolytic icteric lipemic choice anticoagulants use optimal sample size analyte stability in matrix each...

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