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picture1_The Environment Pdf 55720 | 1587639123 Unit 5 Engllish(1)

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File: The Environment Pdf 55720 | 1587639123 Unit 5 Engllish(1)
unit 5 environmental pollution environmental pollution air water soil thermal and noise causes effects and controls primary and secondary air pollutants air and water quality standards nuclear hazards and human ...

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...Unit environmental pollution air water soil thermal and noise causes effects controls primary secondary pollutants quality standards nuclear hazards human health risks is the introduction of contaminants into natural environment that adverse change can take form chemical substances or energy such as heat light components be either foreign energies naturally occurring one most serious problems facing humanity other life forms on our planet today defined contamination physical biological earth atmosphere system to an extent normal processes are adversely affected but they considered when in excess levels any use resources at a rate higher than nature s capacity restore itself result land different types namely weight these cause damage living how interacts with public medicine has undergone dramatic mixture solid particles gases car emissions chemicals from factories dust pollen mold spores may suspended ozone gas major part cities it also called smog some poisonous occurs harmful excess...

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