supplementary study materials for underperforming schools verbal aptitude for npse march 2021 not for sale contents teachers guide unit 1 analogies unit 2 analogies pair review unit 3 word groups ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Supplementary study materials for underperforming schools verbal aptitude npse march not sale contents teachers guide unit analogies pair review word groups groupings sentence arrangements patterns four key block letter words vocabulary development on reading comprehension passages and general knowledge true sentences alphabetical positions order correct of according to size shape that make complete sense making synonyms antonyms rhyming code decoding revisions grouping relationship between two revision appendix i answers activity questions ii references dear teacher the purpose this material is complement whatever teaching learning you may have already utilised note by no means different from what required your pupils pass their exams in fact were developed based current national curriculum framework also it intended assist get basic skills they require with good grades sierra leone primary school examination test an improved version popular selective entrance set council compulsory i...