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picture1_Letter Pdf 49236 | Sample Layoff Letters 0

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File: Letter Pdf 49236 | Sample Layoff Letters 0
sample notification letter i of 2 psu mta unit a dear employee it is with regret that i inform you that you are being laid off from your position as ...

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...Sample notification letter i of psu mta unit a dear employee it is with regret that inform you are being laid off from your position as effective lack funds and or work necessitates this layoff action indefinite in duration should be considered permanent wish to assure termination not related job performance but do anticipate situation changing the foreseeable future we appreciate contribution university sincerely our current fiscal problems have required notice my best wishes for success endeavors signed by appropriate asst assoc vc director supervisor cc immediate vice chancellor labor relations brian harrington ii am writing no way member community results necessitated step taken same per afscme under terms collective bargaining agreement between may eligible certain rights please contact union representative discuss matter deeply sorry circumstances made necessary on behalf division want thank service rendered express hope continued dept head employer nicholas marshall administrati...

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