File: Arabic Reading Practice Pdf 104202 | Kg1 Item Download 2022-09-23 20-19-11
break up of syllabus 2021 2022 grade kg i subject text books term 1 term 2 april september october march arabic 6 letters sounds 6 letters sound orals 3 numbers ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Break up of syllabus grade kg i subject text books term april september october march arabic letters sounds sound orals numbers colours english alphabet aa oo p z smart kindergarten phonics fun with picture reading write the first letter for circle correct match to missing pp zz writing practice concepts after c o ncepts last capital small two words pictures tick same kindergartenrhymes rhymes moral stories story conversation part general knowledge a book sequence mathematics written count math join dots draw marbles and colour zero concept thick thin different pre sorting shapes before big between open close comparing tall short more less position long down full empty light heavy high low fat science my body wild animals weather daily routine exploring environmentplants insects fruits usage water vegetables living non things animal facts pet their youngones farm gk how do travel greetings people who help us self day night golden good manners rooms home feelings family school u e uae f...