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picture1_Letter Pdf 48024 | Materi Ajar Menulis

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File: Letter Pdf 48024 | Materi Ajar Menulis
materi ajar menulis nuri adlina business letters business letters are documents created to persuade or inform readers ex a letter from a candidate requesting your vote analyze a concept or ...

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...Materi ajar menulis nuri adlina business letters are documents created to persuade or inform readers ex a letter from candidate requesting your vote analyze concept situation the human resources manager explaining new payroll deposit system company employees propose solution offering plan reduce prevent school violence correct some perceived error miscommunication creditor about billing you have noticed format writing common types of write any type acceptance yes legal follow acknowledgement receipt these basic steps adjustment document addresses complaint claim application request job identify reader consideration interview establish objective determine scope cover accompanies resume organize order draft inquiry posing question close end review and revise refusal reject an offer response answers sales marketing...

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