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picture1_Transportation Vocabulary Pdf 43454 | Unit 5 Transportation

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File: Transportation Vocabulary Pdf 43454 | Unit 5 Transportation
unit five transportation unit five table of contents transportation i unit snapshot 2 interdisciplinary unit of study ii introduction 4 iii unit framework 6 nyc doe iv ideas for learning ...

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...Unit five transportation table of contents i snapshot interdisciplinary study ii introduction iii framework nyc doe iv ideas for learning centers v foundational and supporting texts vi inquiry critical thinking questions vii sample weekly plan viii student work samples ix resources x experiences lesson plans xi appendices the enclosed curriculum units may be used educational non profit purposes only if you are not a pre k all provider send an email to deceinstruction schools gov request permission use this or any portion thereof please indicate name location your school program describe which would like how intend them topic outcomes connected academic vocabulary enduring understandings that should list adapted best fit needs essential question have by end individual programs classrooms does my community various modes get other accident harbor speed limit places airplane helicopter stop we different types airport helmet stroller focus reasons ambulance keys subway what kinds do why veh...

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