importance of teaching vocabulary new learning always builds on what the learner already knows learning as a language based activity is fundamentally and profoundly dependent on vocabulary knowledge primary difficulty ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Importance of teaching vocabulary new learning always builds on what the learner already knows as a language based activity is fundamentally and profoundly dependent knowledge primary difficulty with sustaining early gains in reading lack adequate to meet broad academic demands that begin upper elementary grades continue throughout schooling baker s d c simmons e j kameenui acquisition synthesis research successful programs can be defined by extent which they reduce gap between students poor versus rich vocabularies grade learn about words yr however diverse learners acquire at much slower rate differences appear grows increasingly large over time using storybooks critical design features storybook instruction repeated readings stories classic or lists recommended performance style extended intro few interruptions during dialogue after target per story scaffolded grammar retell how select preteach identify are understanding not explained text will encounter again moderate frequency mea...