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picture1_Electronic Spread Sheet 42693 | Bab 8 Crm Yg Dipakai

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File: Electronic Spread Sheet 42693 | Bab 8 Crm Yg Dipakai
slide 9 2 learning outcomes outline different methods of acquiring customers via electronic media evaluate different buyer behaviour amongst online customers describe techniques for retaining customers and cross and up ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Slide learning outcomes outline different methods of acquiring customers via electronic media evaluate buyer behaviour amongst online describe techniques for retaining and cross up selling using new management issues what is the balance between offline investment customer acquisition technologies can be used to build maintain relationship how do we deliver superior service quality relationships crm an approach building sustaining long term business with comprises four marketing activities selection retention extension figure classic applications a system supports following sales force automation sfa representatives are supported in their account through tools arrange record visits contact centres respond requests information by intranet access databases containing on products previous queries managing process this achieved e commerce sites or bb context supporting recording campaign ad direct mail other campaigns analysis such as data warehouses approaches mining which explained later ...

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