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picture1_Contracts Pdf 201673 | Unit 2 Special Contracts

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File: Contracts Pdf 201673 | Unit 2 Special Contracts
1 unit 2 special contracts b com p semester 2 faculty section a nupur tyagi department of commerce gargi college 2 topics to be covered contract of indemnity section 124 ...

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...Unit special contracts b com p semester faculty section a nupur tyagi department of commerce gargi college topics to be covered contract indemnity definitions and essentials rights holder time commencement indemnifier s liability guarantee distinction between kings nature extent surety discharge bailment kinds duties bailor bailee lien its types pledge difference with pawner pawnee by non owners agency principal agent relationship creation agents authority delegation sub substitute personal towards third party meaning is kind the term literally means security or protection against loss compensation according indian act which one promises save other from caused him conduct promisor himself any person called example indemnify q consequences proceedings r may take in respect certain sum money objective entering into protect promisee unanticipated losses parties has two indemnified he who bear whose are compensated above stated as his there must namely entered for purpose protecting due ex...

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