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picture1_Pdp Guidance 230719

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File: Pdp Guidance 230719
cdr guidance july 2019 creating your personal development plan pdp creating your pdp 2 introduction to support your development it s a good idea to have a what am i ...

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...Cdr guidance july creating your personal development plan pdp introduction to support it s a good idea have what am i at this sets out do need work on is and how you can use in of aspirations could help me along might stop consider the following example then repeat just another name for an action only exercise reflect own circumstances one refers specifically regarding professional we make plans box every day but not always write them down allows set targets find interpersonal skills best way achieve sound why should fair organizational will visualise are doing keep track achievements be most effective must live document that reviewed regular intervals ensure accurate relevant realistic remember unique limited qualifications my don t like formal exams now options may feel confident enough go straight ahead fill any layout provided satisfies questions discussed pages some people little more time attending courses various factors affect their future decisions involvement projects underwa...

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