The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Dental plans metlife pdp plus network com mybenefits your benefits are provided through price tags preferred dentist provider plan use dentists employee status within the to receive highest level basic enhanced of coverage remember request pre determination annual before you extensive services this biweekly will ensure know what actual out pocket cost be treatment begins child ren does spouse in providers not provide identification cards automatically submit electronic claims on behalf family summary deductible per year apply preventive care all other tiers maximum benefit person diagnostic and cleanings exams two times fluoride one time for under age sealants molar years full mouth x rays covered allowance bitewing sets space maintainers non orthodontic emergency palliative amalgam fillings resin composite endodontics root canal repairs cio dentures bridges simple extractions periodontal maintenance surgery scaling planing general anesthesia when dentally necessary major implants toot...