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picture1_Health Assessment Ppt 75463 | Session2

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File: Health Assessment Ppt 75463 | Session2
food william o smith ph d food chemist exposure health effects division exposure office of pesticide programs session 2 2 outline of presentation outline of presentation exposure input parameters residues ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Food william o smith ph d chemist exposure health effects division office of pesticide programs session outline presentation input parameters residues usda pdp fda cfsan consumption csfii residue manipulations index equivalent rpf method probabilistic risk assessment sources data program http www ams gov science center for safety applied nutrition lrd pestadd html monitoring total diet study tds ops included in current acephate azinphos methyl chlorpyrifos disulfoton diazinon dichlorvos dimethoate ethoprop fenamiphos malathion methidathion methamidophos mevinphos oxydemeton parathion phorate phosolone phosmet pirimiphos terbufos tribufos foods apples green beans potatoes apple juice grapes bell peppers bananas grape strawberries broccoli lettuce sweet celery milk cantaloupe oats soybean carrots oranges spinach corn orange peas cucumbers peaches tomatoes syrup pears wheat cherries nectarines winter squash rice pineapple poultry peanut butter...

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