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picture1_Spread Sheet Blank 28419 | Optionaldistrictpdptemplateandsample

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File: Spread Sheet Blank 28419 | Optionaldistrictpdptemplateandsample
optional district professional development plan pdp template and sample pdp this optional district pdp template is provided to assist districts in fulfilling new jersey s professional development requirements use of ...

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 04 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Optional district professional development plan pdp template and sample this is provided to assist districts in fulfilling new jersey s requirements use of not mandated by the department education may or modify create their own that follows description for a fictional has been illustrative purposes only download blank copy alone please visit http www nj gov profdev sdpdp optionaldistrictpdptemplate doc as july regulations have revised necessitating some changes planning processes streamlined approval responsibilities chief school administrator now primary responsibility creating implementing complete flexibility organizing such local committee lpdc county board are no longer required convene approve role changed from full fiscal impacts sending form regional consortium single those who do must develop unified wide based on schools plans additionally included following modifications content include resources allocated opportunities justification expenditures explicitly needs leaders any...

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