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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 133675 | Bulk Workout And Nutrition Plan By Guru Mann

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 133675 | Bulk Workout And Nutrition Plan By Guru Mann
guru mann fitness inc bulk workout nutrition plan catagory men women age 16 to 60 years activity gym workout nutrition veg non veg days 5 days weight training 1 day ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Guru mann fitness inc bulk workout nutrition plan catagory men women age to years activity gym veg non days weight training day cardio designed created by november split monday chest biceps tuesday legs wednesday shoulders traps thursday arms friday abs saturday back triceps sunday off exercise sets reps warm up push ups max superset a incline press b on dumbbells bench pushups db fly dips ex bar curl reverse machine hammer rope facing down note minute rest after each body squat regular set barbell deadlift stiff leg front lunges seated calf raise trap standing shoulder single hand side rep together cable rear delt shrugs finisher arm paddle kickback close grip ez skull crusher spider inward overhead extension laying pressdown behind the forearm stability ball hanging plank ab roller optional pull wide lat rows watch wokout videos youtube...

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