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picture1_Educational Supervision

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File: Educational Supervision
educational supervision concepts and practice with reference to oyo state nigeria o a olorode and a o adeyemo abstract this paper examined the concept and practice of educational supervision in ...

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...Educational supervision concepts and practice with reference to oyo state nigeria o a olorode adeyemo abstract this paper examined the concept of in its universal context it was noted that th has changed over years centuries perceived be synonymous school inspection teachers system were expected carry out instructions directives supervisors without question however today s are more humane their duties as result human relation movement also schools is carried for number purposes among which grading subject checking records others problems effective discussed means reducing highlighted branch management could defined day guidance all education operations coordination detailed work cultivation good working relationship people involved teaching learning process sense back bone improvement commission provided by inspectorate division ministry help educators administrators do better jobs service provides leadership various personnels field necessary ensure uniformity effectiveness programmes...

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