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picture1_Leadership Pdf 114283 | Educational Supervision

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File: Leadership Pdf 114283 | Educational Supervision
maulana mazharul haque arabic and persian university topic educational supervision meaning scope nature subject education paper 304 semester iii by owais sir educational supervision meaning scope nature supervision is a ...

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...Maulana mazharul haque arabic and persian university topic educational supervision meaning scope nature subject education paper semester iii by owais sir is a creative dynamic process giving friendly guidanceanddirectiontoteachersandpupilsforimproving themselves andtheteaching learning situation for the accomplishmentofthedesiredgoalsofeducation r p bhatnagar i b verma means an all out effort of school officials directed towards providing leadership to teachers other workers improvement institution it involves both human material elements elementsare pupils parents employees community state on side money building equipment playgrounds etc are included besides these curriculum methods techniques teaching also come under act teacher has coordinate his thought with action so basic psychological problems underlying see that improved through supervisory supervisor able secure integration between practices sound principles which based as commonly used term guide stimulate activities others v...

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