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picture1_Presentation Skills Ppt 66212 | Module 18 Supervision Final 1

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File: Presentation Skills Ppt 66212 | Module 18 Supervision Final 1
module 18 supervision for survivor centered case management gain a foundational knowledge of the purpose and function of supervision understand how to utilize objectives various supervisory tools to evaluate performance ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Module supervision for survivor centered case management gain a foundational knowledge of the purpose and function understand how to utilize objectives various supervisory tools evaluate performance describe different ways in which can be conducted what is ongoing regular meeting supervisor supervisee assess monitor skills practice supportive manner role provide support advice direction quality oversight services ensure staff are trained prepared their caseworker on hand consultation emergency situations three functions practical psychological elements educational encourage reflection exploration work develop new insights perceptions working administrative promotion maintenance good standards making standard way that helpers service providers able put from training into with opportunity discuss receive constructive feedback forum debrief especially important prevent secondary traumatization manage stress an reflect personal values beliefs behaviors these impact survivors further opport...

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